Many advanced quantum techniques feature non-Gaussian dynamics, and the ability to manipulate
the system in that domain is the next-stage in many experiments. One example of meaningful
non-Gaussian dynamics is that of a double-well potential. Here we study the dynamics of a levitated
nanoparticle undergoing the transition from an harmonic potential to a double-well in a realistic
setting, subjecting to both thermalisation and localisation. We characterise the dynamics of the
nanoparticle from a thermodynamic point-of-view, investigating the dynamics with the Wehrl entropy
production and its rates. Furthermore, we investigate coupling regimes where the the quantum
eect and thermal eect are of the same magnitude, and look at suitable squeezing of the initial
state that provides the maximum coherence. The eects and the competitions of the unitary and
the dissipative parts onto the system are demonstrated. We quantify the requirements to relate our
results to a bonade experiment with the presence of the environment, and discuss the experimental
interpretations of our results in the end.
Scientific Publication:
Qiongyuan Wu, Luca Mancino, Matteo Carlesso, Mario A. Ciampini, Lorenzo Magrini, Nikolai Kiesel, Mauro Paternostro, "Non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics of a particle trapped in a controllable time-varying potential"
DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.010322